Friday, October 31, 2008

Week of Oct. 27 - Oct. 31

Weight: 246 (loss of 3 lbs. from last week)
TJ's uncured hot dog with cheese, Lactaid
String cheese and carrots, bite-size chocolate, Milano cookie
Sauteed veggies with garlic, feta, baked potato, pesto sauce, a few fries, water
Cookie and bite-size chocolate

Tuesday: Wt. train and cardio on treadmill for an hour
Bagel and butter, NSA Pom/Blueb Ice Blended
Greek veggie plate; hummus, falafel, salad, rice, spanakopita, pita, iced tea
Chicken soup, Triscuits, Lactaid, soy nuts, cookie

TJ's uncured hot dog with cheese wrapped in whole wheat tortilla, Lactaid
Low-fat string cheese and carrots, cookies
Veggies tacos, candy

TJ's uncured hot dog with cheese wrapped in whole wheat tortilla, Lactaid
Lean Cuisine Mac and Cheese, Triscuits, Milanos
Cheetos at the football game
Beef and bleu cheese salad at Quizno's with vinagrette, pita, iced tea, chocolate
Frozen yogurt

Triscuits with low-fat string cheese, NSA cran/blueb juice, cookies
Banana muffin and iced tea (oh yea, this is going well!) lol

Well, I can see why my weight won't change this week... too many cookies and too much candy! Good grief. I had better work on that. I had also better plan on yoga this afternoon and hours of walking tonight for Halloween. My car won't start as of an hour ago, so perhaps there will be alot of walking in my future! lol


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